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Jiaogulan Tea -Gynostemma-Jiao Gu Lan Tea- Premium grade ‘Immortality tea’ in Pyramid tea bags- Free from Caffeine!

Jiaogulan originates in Southern China. In villages in the area it has been drunk for thousands of years. It was brought to the attention of the west after a large study of the health of the inhabitants of China and their eating and drinking habits. People in the villages who drank jiao gu lan tea were shown to have one of the longest life expectancies in the world with people regularly living and working until over 100 years old. Scientifically jiao gu lan is referred to as gynostemma pentaphyllum. So far over 40 scientific studies have shown that gynostemma benefits nearly all the major organs. It can also improve sleep, regulate blood sugar levels and increase day time energy levels. It has a regulatory effect on the whole body which has lead it to be dubbed an adaptogenic herb like ginseng but without the over stimulating effect of ginseng. Traditionally it was drunk as loose leaf tea. Pyramid tea bags allow you to easily replicate this effect allowing the tea to circulate freely to increase its effects. The pyramid tea bags also allow us to use higher quality tea as flat tea bags generally use the left over dust or lower grade left overs which are all that fit in these tea bags. Herbal teas are only effective if fresh. We therefore seal all our tea bags in air tight bags and then use a solid tin for storage. Cardboard boxes just don’t work! Each tin contains 15 crafted pyramid tea bags. The taste of Jiaogulan is sweet unlike other health giving teas and pleasant to drink. This improves the experience and your whole day!1 Tea bag makes 3 pots of tea