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Blue Lotus Rooibos Masala Chai – Bulk 1 Lb Bag (530 Cups)

Each 1 Lb bulk bag of Blue Lotus Masala Chai makes 530 8oz cups of tea. This instant powder requires no steeping and no clean up time! The ingredients include only powdered organic rooibos tea and a blend of finely ground spices. The resulting powder is completely soluble in hot liquid. Stir into hot water/milk. Blue Lotus Chai is a pure, clean product, free of sweeteners, milk powder, artificial flavorings and colorings and other undesirable fillers and additives. Use whatever type of milk or sweetener you wish, adjusting amounts to suit your own personal taste. We love its versatility! Spicy or mild? Experiment…have it your way!

Blue Lotus Traditional Masala Chai – Bulk 1 Lb Bag (530 Cups)

Each 1 Lb bulk bag of Blue Lotus Masala Chai makes 530 8oz cups of tea. This instant powder requires no steeping and no clean up time! The ingredients include only dehydrated true brewed Indian black tea and a blend of finely ground spices. The resulting powder is completely soluble in hot liquid. Stir into hot water/milk. Blue Lotus Chai is a pure, clean product, free of sweeteners, milk powder, artificial flavorings and colorings and other undesirable fillers and additives. Use whatever type of milk or sweetener you wish, adjusting amounts to suit your own personal taste. We love its versatility! Spicy or mild? Experiment…have it your way!