Expobar Pulser Heat Exchange Espresso Machine
Expobar Pulser Heat Exchange Espresso Machine
The Expobar Office Pulser espresso machine is one of a kind with a combination of low cost and high quality design and construction. It can brew and steam at the same time making it ideal for any type of home use, small deli or bagel shop. The separate hot water dispenser and steam wand are mounted on a 360-degree ball joint. The group head is comparable to the renown E61 group head with pre-infusion and thermal siphon for maximum temperature stability and aroma extraction. Its electronic boiler controls, safety switches and internal components mirror those of the larger commercial espresso machines. The Expobar Office Pulser is short enough to fit under a 16″ high cabinet and is only 9.5″ wide. The stainless steel housing gives it as much form as it has function. The accessories include a chrome plated brass portafilter, tamper, single shot filter basket, double shot filter basket and a 7 gram coffee scoop.
- E61 Styled Brew Group.
- Heat Exchange Boiler System – NO WAIT for steam.
- Stainless steel housing – Beautiful machine to spotlight on your counter.
- Commercial portafilter – For the best extraction of espresso.
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